Online Meditation

Online meditation -  Healing Circle


Intentionen bag den online "Healing Circle" er at skabe et energifelt for healing og dyb indsigt - at styrke denne energi i os selv og i verden. 

"Healing circle" - livestreames via Facebook - for at ikke være bundet af en bestemt lokation, og derfor er sproget engelsk.

The intention for the online "Healing Circle" is to share a moment of healing and deep insight - to strengthen this in ourselves and in the world.

To experience the knowledge and deep understanding that we are all part of the One field that unites us all.

"Healing circle" is livestreamed on Facebook. In english

"Healing Circle" - online - here

  • En begyndende guidet vejrtrækningsøvelse for afspænding og jordforbindelse.
  • Guidet meditation for at åbne op for det indre energi flow.
  • Stilhed - for meditation og personlig indadvendt refleksion.
  • Afsluttende musik for at forstærke oplevelsen.

  • An introductory guided breathing exercise for relaxation and grounding.
  • Guided meditation to open up the inner energy flow.
  • Silence - for meditation and personal reflection.
  • Ending music to enhance the experience.

Dates for Livestream "Healing Circle"